5 Ways to Improve Your Writing

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1. Write Something Everyday

Whether its a reflection on your day, a description of someone you saw walking down the street, or even a fantasy shopping list – writing is like a muscle. The more you do it, the better you’ll get.

2. Read More

It can be easy to get swept up with everyday life and, before you know it, it’s been three months and the dusty paperback you tried to get into is still sitting untouched on your bedside table. Be honest about the sorts of things you like to read, and find a story that grips you.

Try not to get too absorbed in a novel though – when you read, focus on the techniques the author is using. Is the pace of their plot keeping you glued to the page? Have they used an interesting adjective or metaphor you’ve not come across before? Make a note of it! All great writers have been inspired by those that came before them, and this is a great way of identifying things you want to improve in your own writing.

3. Share your Work

While it’s incredibly daunting to put your work out into the world, it can be such a valuable thing to do. Initially, it may feel like you’ve exposed the innermost depths of your soul, but opening yourself up to feedback is an important part of becoming a better writer. Other people may be able to offer advice on how you could amp up the tension in your story, or simply spot a typo you may have missed. You could try exchanging some work with a writer friend, or even posting on a personal blog.

4. Try a Creative Writing Exercise, or Prompt

There are a wealth of writing prompts and exercises online – they are a great way of pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, as they allow you to experiment with another genre or writing style without a big time commitment. Aside from that, they can be really fun! Allow yourself the freedom to try something new.

5. Discover Your Ideal Writing Environment

Are you a diligent, two hours at your desk every morning type of writer? Or do you find the words flow better when you are in a cafe, or even tucked up in bed? Many famous writers are known to have worked on their masterpieces through the night, but maybe you are more of an early bird.

Take some time over the summer to switch up your writing routine. You might find your creative brain is more on the ball at a certain time, or in a certain place. As well as this, it’s a good idea to develop some ‘writing rituals’. Whether it’s writing with the same pen, or having the same type of tea every time you sit down at your desk, rituals are a great way to let your brain know it’s time to write. You’ll find you’re able to get into your writing more easily this way, which you’ll be grateful for when the months turn colder.